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Piwigo iOS 3.0 beta

Piwigo iOS beta 3

For several months, we have been preparing the version 3 of the iOS app. Completely recoded in Swift and taking advantage of new technologies, this version looks identical to the version 2.12.7 currently available on the App Store but should significantly improve the user experience by speeding up the app and bringing offline capability.

The new code should make it easier to implement and maintain future features. Because these changes may have an impact on existing functionalities, we are launching a public beta-testing phase today to make sure nothing is broken.

Read more to participate

Piwigo NG 2.0-beta

Piwigo NG 2.0-beta

One year after version 1.0, we are launching Piwigo NG version 2.0 beta. Version 1.0 was intended to replace the previous Android application in order to quickly offer a viable and functional solution. Today, we focus on the future of Piwigo NG.

Thanks to the experience gained over the past year, we have decided to rework the application in 2.0. The new core design should make future features easier to implement and maintain. However, these changes can impact existing features. That's why we launch today an open beta-testing. We need to be sure nothing is broken.

Read more to participate

Work in progress and other news

2 major projects are currently in progress:

  • Piwigo 14 is being prepared with a complete redesign of the search page in the gallery
  • a brand new user documentation is coming soon

Outside piwigo.org, but still in the Piwigo ecosystem, here are a few interesting news for you to read:

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