We're a community of contributors from all around the globe. If you believe in our open source mission, we hope you will join us!
The Piwigo mission is to build the best open source photo manager for the web with a strong focus on user experience over technology.
Years old
Forum messages
Piwigo comes as mobile apps for iPhone/iPad and Android.
Piwigo officialy joins the Github community of coders.
Cloud-hosting, ready-to-use Piwigo for everybody.
New name, version 2.0 but same project.
The team gets bigger and coding activity is growing strongly.
Major technical and mindset shift. New features and new contributors.
Available on Free.fr with a 1-click install. Will attract many contributors.
After months of preparation, version 1.0.0 was released.
Piwigo officialy joins the Github community of coders.
Piwigo comes as mobile apps for iPhone/iPad and Android.
Cloud-hosting, ready-to-use Piwigo for everybody.
New name, version 2.0 but same project.
Major technical and mindset shift. New features and new contributors.
The team gets bigger and coding activity is growing strongly.
Available on Free.fr with a 1-click install. Will attract many contributors.
After months of preparation, version 1.0.0 was released.
Although animated by a largely volunteer community of contributors, a project like Piwigo is not free to run: web servers, domain names, development time or website management. How is the project viable at money level?
The Piwigo Association collects donations from its community of users. This money is used to pay direct fees such as web servers hosting, domain names or mobile application store subscriptions. Your financial contribution would mark your commitment to the project.
Profits generated make it possible to spend some time on Piwigo. For example Pierrick, creator of Piwigo and now paid thanks to Piwigo.com, can work on Piwigo.org. The two projects thus maintain a virtuous circle: the success of one leads to the success of the other, and vice versa.
Some coders and theme creators are paid by customers to create new features. Most of the time, these creations are also available to the Piwigo community as a whole.
The Piwigo project needs various skills, such as coders, designers, documentation writers, helpers. If you believe in our mission, be part of it :-)
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